Comparison of Hsps Expression after Radio-frequency Field Exposure in Three Human Glioma Cell Lines

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaojas
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Objective To investigate and compare the effect of radio-frequency (RF) field exposure on expression of heat shock proteins (Hsps) in three human glioma cell lines (MO54, A172, and T98). Methods Cells were exposed to sham or 1950 MHz continuous-wave for 1 h. Specific absorption rates (SARs) were 1 and 10 W/kg. Localization and expression of Hsp27 and phosphorylated Hsp27 ((78) Ser) (p-Hsp27) were examined by immunocytochemistry. Expression levels of Hsp27, p-Hs27, and Hsp70 were determined by Western blotting. Results The Hsp27 was primarily located within the cytoplasm, p-Hsp27 in both cytoplasm and nuclei of MO54, A172, and T98 cells. RF field exposure did not affect the distribution or expression of Hsp27. In addition, Western blotting showed no significant differences in protein expression of Hsp27 or Hsp70 between sham- and RF field-exposed cells at a SAR of 1 W/kg and 10 W/kg for 1 h in three cells lines. Exposure to RF field at a SAR of 10 W/kg for 1 h slightly decreased the protein level of phosphorylated Hsp27 in MO54 cells. Conclusion The 1950 MHz RF field has only little or no apparent effect on Hsp70 and Hsp27 expression in MO54, A172, and T98 cells. Objective To investigate and compare the effect of radio-frequency (RF) field exposure on expression of heat shock proteins (Hsps) in three human glioma cell lines (MO54, A172, and T98). Methods Cells were exposed to sham or 1950 MHz continuous Localization and expression of Hsp27 and phosphorylated Hsp27 ((78) Ser) (p-Hsp27) were examined by immunocytochemistry. Expression levels of Hsp27, p -Hs27, and Hsp70 were determined by Western blotting. Results The Hsp27 was primarily located within the cytoplasm, p-Hsp27 in both cytoplasm and nuclei of MO54, A172, and T98 cells. RF field exposure did not affect the distribution or expression of Hsp27 . In addition, Western blotting showed no significant differences in protein expression of Hsp27 or Hsp70 between sham- and RF field-exposed cells at a SAR of 1 W / kg and 10 W / kg for 1 h in three cells lines. Exposure to RF field at a SAR of 10 W / kg for 1 h slightly decreased the pro tein level of phosphorylated Hsp27 in MO54 cells. Conclusion The 1950 MHz RF field has only little or no apparent effect on Hsp70 and Hsp27 expression in MO54, A172, and T98 cells.
曲近:生于中原,长于边疆。中国作家协会会员。新疆兵团作家协会副主席、新疆石河子文联副主席、《绿风》诗刊主编、石河子作家协会主席。石河子市九届政协常委。 Qu near: B
目的 通过对单纯性近视眼变薄的鼻侧视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)厚度与眼轴及屈光度的相关性研究,并探讨其原因.方法 选取LASIK术前光学相干断层扫描(OCT)检查中发现鼻侧象限视网膜神经纤维层变薄的患者进行验光检测眼屈光度及眼A超检测眼轴并进行统计学分析.结果 103例单纯性近视眼患者206眼中OCT检查发现鼻侧象限RNFL变薄者为31例61眼,占29.6%.其鼻侧象限RNFL厚度与眼轴长度成负相