
来源 :气象科技进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfq198410
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通过对SCI数据库分析发现,仅从学术论文发表这一项指标来看,自1983年以来,中国气象局系统的科研活动呈现出逐年活跃的发展态势,其科研产出在“十五”期间逐渐起步,“十一五”进入了快速增长阶段。中国气象局面向世界气象科技前沿和国家需求开展了大量的科学研究工作,学术影响力近年来呈现出较强的上升趋势,在地球科学研究领域已进入了全球研究机构排名的前1%,科技成果辐射到130多个国家和地区的近3,000所高校和研究机构,与全球50多个主要国家和地区的810多所大学和研究机构有着科研合作关系,科技合作活动范围广泛,在全球学术界已有较强的影响。为了有利于中国气象局系统作为一个统一的科研主体出现在国际舞台上,建议全系统应规范科技论文责任机构的署名,提高科技文献检索和保障水平。 Through analyzing the SCI database, we can see from the academic papers alone that the research activities of China Meteorological Administration have shown an active trend of development year after year since 1983, During the period gradually started, “Eleventh Five-Year ” entered the stage of rapid growth. China Meteorological Administration has conducted a large amount of scientific research work towards the frontiers of the world’s meteorological science and technology and national needs. Its academic influence has shown a strong upward trend in recent years and has entered the top 1% of global research institutes in the field of earth science research. Science and Technology Achievements Radiation to nearly 3,000 universities and research institutions in more than 130 countries and regions, with more than 50 major countries and regions in more than 810 universities and research institutes have scientific research cooperation, science and technology cooperation activities in a wide range of global academia Has a strong influence. In order to facilitate China Meteorological Administration system as a unified research body to appear on the international stage, it is suggested that the whole system should standardize the signature of the responsible institution for scientific papers and improve the level of scientific and technical literature retrieval and assurance.
[摘要]随着信息时代的到来,将移动互联网广泛地推广并成功应用到旅游业内,发挥其价值最大化,推动旅游业又快又好发展是当前一个比较有挑战性的课题。本文分析了旅游业对移动互联网需求的必然性,介绍了移动互联网在旅游业的一些应用,望能够对相关的旅游企业的规划和发展提供理论参考。  [关键词]移动互联网;旅游业;4G技术;O2O;应用  一、引言  随着科技水平的不断提高,以信息技术为支撑的智能手机、笔记本电