93年起始流行的暴发性对虾病,给我国的对虾养殖生产带来了很大的影响,我县的对虾养殖生产也因此陷入了困境,养殖面积从550余亩下降到95年的8.3亩。广大虾农因此将暴发性对虾病称之为瘟神。 敢于战天斗地的我县广大虾农,经过几年艰难摸索,对虾养殖生产开始出现曙光,变得渐渐明朗起来。今年对虾养殖面积已恢复到496.7亩,为病害流行前的85.4%,在浙江省是复苏速度较快的。今年虾病的流行,与过去5年同期相比,是危害程度最轻的一年。截止8月5日,绝产或半绝产面积只有6口塘49亩,
The epidemic outbreak of shrimp shrimp endemic in 1993 brought a great impact on the production of shrimp farming in our country. As a result, shrimp farming in our county was in a dilemma. The area of breeding decreased from 550 mu to 8.3 mu in 1995 . Therefore, the majority of shrimp farmers will be outbreaks of prawn disease called the god of plague. The vast shrimp farmers in our county, who dared to fight in battle, gradually became aware of the dawn of shrimp farming after years of hard exploration. This year shrimp farming area has been restored to 496.7 acres, 85.4% before the epidemic, in Zhejiang Province is faster recovery. The epidemic of shrimp diseases this year is the least hazardous year compared with the same period in the past five years. As of August 5, abercrombie, or half-dead area of only 49 acres of 6 Tong,