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十月的承德正值金秋,然而燕山主峰雾灵山却迎来了雨的精魂。我的这几幅照片是2001年十月四日在雾灵山拍摄的,这次拍摄圆了我多年未能如愿的梦——塞北金秋的雪。回顾那次拍摄的过程仍是历历在目。那天是十月二日下午,承德市内下起了大雨,经验告诉我拍摄金秋银雪机会来了,于是忙着联络影友,准备外拍装备。当一切准备妥当,已是深夜。我驾车同朋友一起向着目的地——雾灵山进发。夜空中闪电像魔鬼的脉络,滚滚雷声振耳,雨借风势倾盆泼击,一百多公里的行程,我俩走了十几个小时,途中经历了堵车、坡道上车熄火,制动失灵、溜车、弃车搭车,到了莲花池天下起大雪,车已不能走了,我们只能步行上山。脚踏近尺厚的雪,深一脚,泥一脚,风雪中只有我们二人向主峰移动,下午4点到达顶峰05转播台,山上的好朋友早以将美酒温好,准备了暖暖的客房等待着我们。 Chengde in October is worth the autumn, but the main peak of Yanshan Wuling Mountain ushered in the spirit of the rain. My pictures of these photos were taken at Wuling Mountain on October 4, 2001. This shooting rounds the golden dream that I have not been able to achieve for many years - snow in northern Saibei. Reviewing the process of shooting is still vivid. That day was October 2 afternoon, under heavy rain in Chengde city, experience told me shooting autumn silver snow opportunity came, so busy contact with friends, ready to shoot equipment. It is late at night when everything is ready. I drive together with friends toward the destination - Wuling Mountain departure. In the night sky, the lightning flashed like a demon thread. There was a thunderstorm in the sky. The rain was sprayed by the wind. Over a hundred kilometers of journey, we both went through more than a dozen hours. The traffic jam on the way, the car on the ramp, the brake on the ramp Failure, rolling the car, abandoned car ride, to the lotus pond snow, the car can not go, we can only walk up the mountain. Foot near foot thick snow, deep kick, mud kick, the wind and snow only two of us to move the main peak, arrived at 4:00 pm peak 05 relay stations, good friends in the mountains as early as the good wine warm, warm Warm rooms waiting for us.
‘2002科隆照相与世界影像展(photokina world of imaging)于9月25~30日在德国科隆举行。来自世界各地的传统照相设备、数码影像设备、照相器材及感光材料的著名厂家纷纷登台亮
党的十七大报告指出:“党的基层组织是党执政的组织基础,要充分发挥基层组织推动发展、服务群众、凝聚人心、促进和谐的作用”。这是对发挥基层党组织战斗 The report of th