富秋是 1983年以富士为母本,秋红为父本杂交育成。果实近圆形,平均单果重 220 g,有光泽,色泽艳丽,风味浓甜,有香气,可溶性固形物含量14.4%,品质上等。在青岛地区果实于9月中旬成熟。该品种于2000年通过山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定并命名。
Fuqiu is Fuji in 1983 as the female parent, autumn red parental hybrid breeding. Fruit nearly round, the average weight of 220 g, shiny, bright color, sweet flavor, aroma, soluble solids content 14.4%, high quality. Fruit in Qingdao in mid-September mature. The variety in 2000 through the Shandong Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee validated and named.