Masks 戴面具的人

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  She had blue skin. And so did he. He kept it hid And so did she. They searched fOf blue Their whole life through, Then passed rigbt by And never knew.
ln my younger and more vuherable years my father gave me some advice that l've been tuming over n my mind ever since.  “whenever you feel like critic iz ing anyone,”he to ld me, “just rem em ber that
The letter sm elled of lavender and vanilla, like she couldn't decide which perfume to use so she used both. Her hand-w ritng had been drawn with the carefulprec is ion only seventh-grade girb in love
The space betw een them.  就是两者之间的距离。  L rtera lly and figuratively.  不管是从字面上来看还是从意义上来看。  Girlfriend=Tem porary+You paythe bills  女朋友=临时关系+你买单  G irlF riend=Perm anent+Youboth share the bill  女性朋友=永久关系
Kids' im aginations are in overdrive when it comes to com pos ing Christm as rists-as they ask for a live walrus, the power of inv isibility and Taylor Sw ift.  (hristm as is less than two months aw a
Love not me for comely grace,Formy pleasing eye or face.Nor for any outw ard part.No, nor for a constant heart;For those may failor tum to ill So thou and I sha llsever;Keep. therefore. a true wom an'
@Priya Chincho likar  The first time l got my glasses.The world in HD is alW ays an aw esome experEnce.  我第一次戴眼镜的时候。能看到这个高清的世界简直太赞了。  @Niddhi Shah  (Except paycheck, rain and love.)The first time When
Beyond the blossoms, cold cockcrow, the day about to dawn:lncense cakes have turned to ashes;  Up or at rest, I am utterly distracted.Tall phoenix trees at the edge of the eaves transfix the overnight
The long night is draggy like water  The Wind sharp, the stage coach inn has its doors shut tight.  has its doors shut tight.  Starting from a dream, I see a mouse peering by the lamp.  The morning ch
A bruise is tender But does not last It leaves me as I always was But a wound I take Much more to heart For a scar will always Leave its mark  And if you should ask me Which you are My answer is You a
You are not going to believe me; nobody in their right minds could possib ly believe me. but it's true. really it is !  When I woke up this morning. I found l'd turned into my mother. There l was. in