Daxing'anling Forestry Group Co.

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdlnf
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Located on the Daxing’anling forest region of China’s frontier, the Daxing’anling Forestry Group Co. is one of the 500 national large size enterprise groups with a total management area of 8.225 million ha. There are 10forestry bureaus under its jurisdiction, 93 000 in-service staff and a population of 358 000. The net value of fixed asset is 3. 58 billion yuan, Accumulative total output of timber has amounted to 110 million m3 during the past 38 years. Its profits and tax turned over to the State has totaled 3.6 billion yuan, which has made outstanding contribution to national development. Located on the Daxing’anling forest region of China’s frontier, the Daxing’anling Forestry Group Co. is one of the 500 national large size enterprise groups with a total management area of ​​8.225 million ha. There are 10forestry bureaus under its jurisdiction, 93 000 in-service staff and a population of 358 000. The net value of fixed asset is 3. 58 billion yuan, Accumulative total output of timber has been to 110 million m3 during the past 38 years. Its profits and tax turned over to the State has totaled 3.6 billion yuan, which has made outstanding contribution to national development.
陕西交通会计学会于 2 0 0 1年 1 2月 2 0 -2 2日在西安召开第五届会员代表大会 ,到会代表 71人。省交通厅曹军念副厅长到会作了重要讲话。陕西会计学会副会长兼秘书长杨平安
中铁五局机械化公司沪昆客专贵州段项目部转变生产管理模式,从组织机构专业化、经营承包责任化、要素管控集中化、劳务建设组织化、基础管理精细化方面实施集约化管理,效果显著。  中铁五局机械化公司沪昆客专贵州段项目部管段全长36.4公里,线下投资17.6亿元,工期47.7个月,是目前机械化公司最大的在建铁路项目,也是机械化公司推行集约化管理的重点项目。然而,如何使企业创造更多效益、体现更高的企业价值,是项
在美国能源业巨头安然公司虚报盈利和掩盖巨额债务的丑闻被曝光以后,为避免本国公司重蹈覆辙,亚洲许多国家和地区已加紧了会计准则改革的步伐。 After the revelation that