呼吸是管乐器演奏者极其重要的基础,也是使演奏能打动他人的主要手段之一。可以找到大量论述呼吸方面的资料,在管乐教学领域也经常能听到有关气息运用的说法。奇怪的是,在医学突飞猛进的今天,在这些资料及说法中经常还能发现过于违反人体正常生理活动的观点! 本文试以管乐演奏的基础——控制性呼气——为中心对呼吸作初步介绍。谬误之处,希望指正。
Breathing is an extremely important foundation for a wind instrument player, and one of the main means by which performance can impress others. A great deal of information on breathing can be found and often heard about the use of breath in the field of wind music teaching. Strangely enough, in today’s rapid advances in medicine, it is often found in these materials and explanations that they are too violating the normal physiological activities of the human body. This paper attempts to focus on the basis of wind-controlled breath-controlled breathing Preliminary introduction. Fallacy, I hope correct.