慢性肾功能衰竭常并发心血管疾患,虽然近年来随着血液透析技术的提高,依靠血透长期存活的尿毒症患者也不断增多,但心血管的并发症在维持性血透患者中仍很常见,并且是导致患者死亡的最常见原因。 因此了解和正确处理心血管并发症,对延长患者生命至关重要。本文就18例尿毒症
Chronic renal failure is often associated with cardiovascular disease, although with the hemodialysis technology in recent years, the long-term survival of patients with uremia also increased, but the cardiovascular complications are still common in patients with maintenance hemodialysis , And is the most common cause of death in patients. Understanding and correctly managing cardiovascular complications is therefore crucial to prolonging the life of the patient. In this paper, 18 cases of uremia