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在北京文坛上,刘恒是一员宿将,属于令人刮目相看的少壮派。从当年的《狗日的粮食》、《伏羲伏羲》,到这几年红遍全国的《贫嘴张大民的幸福生活》,刘恒的小说以其平民意识、文化积淀和幽默的语言受到人们的瞩目;他作为编剧的电影,如《菊豆》、《秋菊打官司》、《本命年》等等,也引起了强烈反响,摘取了世界多种电影大奖的桂冠。早就想请出他与读者见面了!可他一直躲着藏着不出来。这次,在本主持人一再催逼之下,才勉强答应在“名家侧影”新的一年第一期上亮相。在这儿,我们约请刘恒几位好友王阿成、刘庆邦、王干和王童一起来聊聊他。他们的文章写得生动有趣,同刘恒本人的作品一样富于幽默感,我想一定会得到读者的垂顾。祝读者诸君新年好! In the Beijing literary arena, Liu Heng is a member of the sublime, belonging to the impressive young guard. From “the food of dog days” and “Fu Xi Fu Xi” to the “blubber Zhang Damin’s happy life” popular all over the country in recent years, Liu Heng’s novels are influenced by their civilian consciousness, cultural accumulation and humorous language His films, such as “Chrysanthemum”, “Chrysanthemum”, “Benming Year” and so on, also aroused strong repercussions and won the title of the world’s many film awards. Have long wanted to invite him to meet with the reader! But he has been hiding hidden hide. This time, under the constant urging of the host, reluctantly promised in the “famous silhouette ” the debut of the first phase of the new year. Here, we invite several friends Liu Heng Wang A Cheng, Liu Qingbang, Wang Qian and Wang Tong together to talk to him. Their articles are vivid and interesting. They share the same sense of humor as Liu Heng’s own work, and I think it will surely get the reader’s attention. I wish you a Happy New Year!
Electrochemical analysis is a promising technique for detecting biotoxic and non-biodegradable heavy metals. This article proposes a novel composite electrode b
方形黄鼠蚤蒙古亚种(Citellophilus t-esquorum mongolicus(Jordan &Roths-child)(以下简称黄鼠蚤)是黄鼠鼠疫自然疫源地传播鼠疫的重要媒介。在我省的主要宿主是阿拉善黄鼠
【摘 要】本文分析了中职学校学生的思想道德现状及其产生原因,提出了改善中职学校学生思想道德教育现状的对策:营造良好教育环境、加强师德建设、开展适合学生特点的各种的活动等,以培养学生优良的道德品质。  【关键词】中职学生;思想道德教育;原因;教育对策  随着我国经济的迅猛发展,中等技能型人才的需求量越来越大,国家对中等职业教育也更加重视。但是由于许多主客观原因,中职学校学生思想道德现状令人担忧。  
In this study, Fe2O3/Mn2O3 composite was synthesized by a facile two-step technique, and several methods were carried out to characterize it. Then, the decompos