临床资料 患者,男,30岁。主诉高处坠落伴重物打击30分钟入院。入院前30分钟因围墙垮塌从3米高处坠落,臀部着地,并被石块砸压。查体:体温36℃,脉搏98次/分,呼吸22次/分,血压12/8kPa。轻度贫血貌。头面部及双下肢可见多处挫裂伤,无活动性出血。腹略膨隆,末见肠型,中下腹皮肤青紫,肿胀。全腹均有压病,中下腹为甚,无反跳痛,无肌紧张。会阴部及大腿根
Patients with clinical data, male, 30 years old. Chief complaint fall with heavy loads hit 30 minutes admission. 30 minutes before admission due to the collapse of the fence from a height of 3 meters, buttocks, and was hit by stones. Physical examination: body temperature 36 ℃, pulse 98 beats / min, breathing 22 beats / min, blood pressure 12 / 8kPa. Mild anemia appearance. Head and face and lower limbs seen multiple contusion laceration, no active bleeding. Abdominal bulging, end intestinal type, in the belly skin bruising, swelling. The whole abdomen are pressure disease, the lower abdomen is even more, no rebound pain, no muscle tension. Perineum and thighs