胜讯系统公司:《Conexant Systems)近日宣布推出全新的GSM数据存储栈软件模块和一系列双频GSM功率放大器苡片,进一步加快了市场采用900MHz双频GSM技术的步伐。 科胜讯系统无线通信部市场总监Reiner Klement表示:“科胜讯这次推出的GSM数据存储栈软件模块和功率放大器苡片,是全套GSM手机系统解决方案的重要组成部分。这些新解决方案完善了我们上至天线,下至麦克风的GSM市场产品系列,并加快了市场从900MHzGSM转向双频甚至三频GSM蜂窝式电话的步伐。
Systems, Inc.: Conexant Systems, Inc. today announced the release of the new GSM data-storage stack software module and a series of dual-band GSM power amplifiers, further accelerating the adoption of 900MHz dual-band GSM technology. Reiner Klement, Marketing Director of Conexant’s Systems Wireless Communications Group, said: "The new GSM data storage stack software module and power amplifier chipset from Conexant is an integral part of the complete GSM handset solution. Our GSM market portfolio up to the antenna down to the microphones and accelerated the market transition from 900MHz GSM to dual-band or tri-band GSM cellular phones.