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咨询师通过运用认知行为疗法,针对一位在校女大学生因失恋引发焦虑情绪、入睡困难、学习效率下降等症状影响正常学习和生活的案例进行了咨询。通过咨询求助者的焦虑情绪、失眠情况得到了基本的控制,基本上达到了咨询的效果。经过这次咨询,证明认知行为疗法对帮助来访者自我引导走出困惑是有效的。 Consultants through the use of cognitive behavioral therapy for a female college students because of lovelorn-induced anxiety, difficulty falling asleep, learning efficiency and other symptoms affect normal learning and life cases were consulted. Through counseling people’s anxiety, insomnia has been the basic control, basically reached the effect of counseling. After this consultation, it is proved that cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in helping visitors to lead themselves out of confusion.
摘 要:数学问题的解决是高中数学教学的主要内容,教会学生如何解题是课堂教学的主要任务。解题的关键是分析问题、找到解题方法,在分析问题的过程中要求学生找出已知条件和所求问题的联系,借助中间的辅助问题的驱动完成解题。  关键词:问题驱动;辅助问题;隐含条件;问题结构;等价转化  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)04-042-1  案例一:问题来源于隐含条件