Determination of elemental content by spectrometry, the general use of carbon electrodes. Such as ИСЛ-30-type original electrode frame, each carbon electrode length of 50 to 60 mm, and use of homemade Beijing or Shanghai universal electrode frame, carbon electrode length also need 38 ~ 42 mm. Recently, we used a pure graphite carbon electrode with a length of 18 to 25 mm to conduct quantitative analysis of other elements based on simple substance or oxide of Cu, Bi, Cd, Tl, Te, In, Co and Se, Years of practical assessment proved that the use of 18 to 25 mm length of the carbon electrode for spectral analysis, the work is simple, the quality of the analysis and the instrument did not affect, can save 50% of the carbon electrode. To achieve the above objectives need to purchase the following three components: 1. Self-made electrode holder. 2. Auxiliary electrode clamp. 3. Auxiliary electrode holder. As shown in Figure 1,2: