中华鳖在自然环境中生长较慢 ,且较少罹患疾病。随着养鳖业的发展 ,饲养密度的提高 ,其生活环境条件的改变 ,鳖病明显增多。据不完全统计 ,目前我国鳖病总的发生率为 2 0 %~ 40 % ,平均死亡率为 2 0 %~ 5 0 %。中华鳖常见的疾病有腮腺炎、白底板病、出血病、穿孔病、红脖子病
Soft-shelled turtles grow slower in the natural environment and suffer less disease. With the development of raising turtle industry, raised feeding density, changes in their living conditions, turtle disease increased significantly. According to incomplete statistics, the current incidence of turtle disease in our country is 20% -40% with an average mortality of 20% ~ 50%. Common turtle soft-shelled turtle disease, white floor disease, hemorrhagic disease, perforation, red neck disease