以高粱纯系401-1为材料,通过幼胚培养,由小盾片细胞产生的再生植株后代出现株形矮小、叶形窄短的突变体[1]。到1997年该突变体经过15个世代性状是稳定遗传的。突变体与401-1杂交,根据P1, P2, F1, F2, F3世代群体株高、叶形变异的分析,证明突变体是由两对核基因发生的隐性突变所引起的。一对基因是控制株高的;一对基因是控制各器官形状变小的微型化基因(该基因也起到降低株高的作用),并且两对基因符合独立遗传规律。
The sorghum line 401-1 as a material, through immature embryo culture, regenerated plantlets derived from scutellum cells appeared short stature, leaf-shaped mutants [1]. By 1997, the mutant was stable and inherited after 15 generations of traits. According to the analysis of plant height and leaf shape variation of P1, P2, F1, F2 and F3 generations, the mutant was identified as a recessive mutation caused by two pairs of nuclear genes. A pair of genes is controlling plant height; a pair of genes is a miniaturized gene that controls the shape of each organ (this gene also plays a role in reducing plant height), and the two pairs of genes conform to an independent genetic rule.