南京市首创将“海绵城市建设”纳入循环经济发展规划 混凝土砌块(砖)与相关企业出现在南京市循环经济规划中

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南京市人民政府办公厅2016年11月23日印发《南京市“十三五”循环经济发展规划》(宁政办发〔2016〕166号),首次将属于“海绵城市建设”范畴的内容,纳入该规划中,明确提出“最大限度地减少城市开发建设对生态环境的影响”的要求,并新增“到2020年,城市建成区20%以上的面积,就地消纳和利用的降雨不低于70%”的目标。这可能是国内首次将“海绵城市建设”整体纳入“循环经济发展”的范畴。在“第五章示范工程与重点项目”内容中,有大段内容陈述“创建海绵城市建设工程”的具体规划设计、技术、工程措施等内容。 Nanjing Municipal People’s Government Office November 23, 2016 Issued “Nanjing City,” “13th Five-Year” circular economy development plan “(Ning Office Office [2016] No. 166), for the first time will belong to” sponge city construction “ The content of the category is included in the plan, and the requirements of ”minimizing the impact of urban development and construction on the ecological environment“ are clearly put forward. ”By 2020, more than 20% of the urban built-up area is covered by local Consumption and utilization of rainfall not less than 70% “goal. This may be the first time in China that ”sponge city construction“ will be integrated into the category of ”circular economy development“. In the ”Chapter V Demonstration Project and Key Project“, there is a large section describing the specific planning and design, technical and engineering measures for ”creating a sponge urban construction project".