任何专业人士对自己的事业都会萌发一些感受,直至提升为理性的认识。虽然,图书馆行业不可能干出惊世骇俗的伟业,但默默无私工作亦为社会作出了奉献。他们从读者服务、从文献信息、从各项业务工作……汲收营养,获取力量。其间有苦有乐,有辱有荣,有失败有成功。本刊特辟园地,供专业人士尽情抒怀,各方同仁从中可以找到知音,得到裨益。 本期发表广东省中山图书馆副研究员何卜吉于病榻中的吟咏。他长期从事业务辅导和地方文献工作,成绩斐然,为图书馆事业作出了自己的贡献,其诗动情。本刊拟以此作为对他的慰藉。不料,正当我们进行二校稿期间,突闻噩耗,何卜吉同志于10月26日清晨辞世了。为此,本刊同仁为我省图书馆界失去一位忠诚事业的专家无限惋惜,谨致深切悼念!
Any professional will germinate some feelings about their own business until they are promoted to a rational understanding. Although it is impossible for the library industry to work out the great cause of world shame, its quiet and selfless work has also made its contribution to the community. From the reader service, from the literature and information, from their business work ...... they absorb nutrients, gain power. In the meantime there is pain and suffering, humiliation and honor, failure and success. We hereby provide you a garden for professionals to express their feelings of happiness. All my colleagues can find their own good news and benefit them. In this issue, He Boji, an associate researcher at the Zhongshan Library of Guangdong Province, was chanting his sickbed. He has long been engaged in business counseling and local literature work, with outstanding achievements, made its own contribution to the cause of the library, the poem emotion. This publication intends to use as his consolation. Unexpectedly, just as we carried out two proofs during the course of the school draft, Comrade Hebuk died on the early morning of October 26. To this end, my colleagues for the province’s library sector lost a loyal career experts regrettable, hereby express my deep condolences!