We have already mentioned this problem more than once. After the first visit to Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan in the south, more questions were raised on this issue. Not long ago, we arrived in Guangdong and Guangzhou for the second time to learn about the changes that occurred after the first visit and to understand the natural conditions in southern Guangxi that had not been visited for the first time. From the first year and a half after our first arrival in these provinces, the introduction of foreign tropical medicinal plants has made little progress, and we can say that there has been no progress. At the same time, the serious shortage of domestic tropical drugs is still continuing. According to the materials of Chinese import companies, there are a total of 37 tropical and subtropical medicinal herbs imported from Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and from the Vietnam border. Most of them can be cultivated in China. Or it can be replaced with domestically produced plants that have very similar efficacy and effective ingredients.