据AT&T网络光缆系统公司说,该公司与我国的三家公司签订了生产新一代LXE Lightpack(轻包装)光缆的合资项目。Lightpack是用于各种室外馈线和远距离通讯的光缆。北京AT&T光缆有限公司是AT&T公司与北京光通讯公司、北京光缆厂和中国国内邮电通信工业公司的合资企业,
According to AT & T Network Cable Systems, the company signed a joint venture with three Chinese companies to produce a new generation of LXE Lightpack fiber optic cables. Lightpack is used for all kinds of outdoor feeder and long distance communication cable. Beijing AT & T Optical Cable Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between AT & T Corporation and Beijing Optical Communications Corporation, Beijing Optical Cable Factory and China’s domestic telecommunications industry,