目的 通过分析抢劫罪犯的父母教养方式等多因素的相关性 ,探讨犯罪的危险及预测因素 ,从而为干预和防止犯罪提供依据。方法 使用“父母养育方式问卷”对 1 1 3名男性抢劫罪犯及 97名正常男性进行对照分析。结果 EMBU显示父母偏爱、拒绝、过度保护、惩罚严厉等各因子分均高于正常组 ,另外本文也提示犯罪多发生于父母文化程度低 ,从事体力劳动的家庭和单亲家庭。结论 不正确的父母养育方式及不良的家庭结构是造成犯罪的危险因素。
Aim To analyze the risk factors and predictors of crimes by analyzing the correlative factors such as parental rearing patterns of robbery criminals so as to provide the basis for intervention and crime prevention. Methods A “Parental Rearing Questionnaire” was used to analyze the control of 113 male robbery criminals and 97 normal men. Results EMBU showed that parental preference, rejection, over-protection and severe punishment were all higher than those in normal group. In addition, this paper also suggested that crimes occurred mostly in families with low educational level, manual labor and single-parent families. Conclusions Incorrect parental rearing and poor family structure are risk factors for crime.