
来源 :上海陈云研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meirumen
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领导者的素养,是指领导者在先天禀赋的基础上通过后天的学习、实践所得的智能、品德等的总和,是领导者承担领导职务所必须具备的基本条件,是实施领导行为的资格,是发挥领导功能的决定性因素。陈云作为党中央第一代领导集体和第二代领导集体的重要成员,他身上所体现的优秀的政治思想素质、精湛的业务素质、卓越的工作作风、高尚的思想品德和稳定的身心素质构成了他独具魅力的领导素养。 Leader’s accomplishment refers to the leader’s innate endowment on the basis of acquired acquired through learning, practice the resulting intelligence, moral integrity, is the leader to assume leadership positions must have the basic conditions for the implementation of leadership qualifications, It is the decisive factor in the leadership function. As an important member of the first-generation leading collective and the second-generation leading collective of the Party Central Committee, Chen Yun possesses outstanding political and ideological qualities, superb professionalism, outstanding working style, noble ideological and moral qualities and stable physical and mental qualities His unique charisma.
Gas explosion is one of the most serious events in coal mine. In consideration of the limitation of past research method about gas explosion, three-dimensional(