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胃肠间质瘤(Gastrointestinal stromal tumor,GIST)是一类相对少见的肿瘤,据国外报道,每年发病率约2/10万[1],占所有胃肿瘤的2%,小肠肿瘤的14%,结肠肿瘤的0.1%,多见于50~70岁,其发病率在性别上无显著性差异。过去受病理诊断技术的限制,一些GIST常被误诊为平滑肌瘤、平滑肌肉瘤及神经纤维瘤。近年随着免疫组化、电镜技术和分子生物学的发展,人们对GIST的认识越来越深入,有关临床报道也 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a relatively rare type of tumor. According to foreign reports, the incidence of GIST is about 2 / 100,000 [1] per year, accounting for 2% of all gastric tumors, 14% of small intestinal tumors, 0.1% of colon tumors, more common in 50 to 70 years old, the incidence of no significant gender differences. In the past by the limitations of pathological diagnosis techniques, some GIST often misdiagnosed as leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma and neurofibroma. In recent years, with immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and molecular biology, people’s understanding of GIST more and more in-depth, clinical reports
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目的 探讨游离皮片移植治疗疤痕性睑外翻的效果. 方法对8例患者8只眼的疤痕性睑外翻,因眼睑皮肤疤痕较广泛而采用游离全厚皮片移植手术,术后观察疗效.结果 8例患者8只眼的手术全部获得成功,睑外翻完全矫正,眼睑与眼球接触良好,上睑活动功能恢复,睑结膜充血肥厚逐渐消失,眼球干涩不适症状消除.患者对术后效果满意.结论对疤痕较广泛的睑外翻采用游离皮片移植手术,操作相对简单,而且矫正外翻效果好,是一种实用的皮