With the growing population of people requiring implants for implantable cardiovascular devices (ICEDs) and the widespread use of anti-thrombotic agents in cardiovascular disease, the strategy of perioperative antithrombotic therapy for CIED has drawn attention. Patients at high risk of thromboembolism will face both CIED perioperative bleeding complications and thromboembolic events. Antithrombotic treatment options also affect the length of hospitalization and financial costs. Current guidelines recommend that high-risk patients with thromboembolism should be treated with heparin replacement during surgery, but current clinical evidence suggests that heparin bridging and dual antiplatelet therapy may increase the risk of capsular hematoma. Continued use of anticoagulants and short-term discontinuation of clopidogrel for aspirin Safety measures. Further large sample randomization studies are needed to explore and validate the efficacy and safety of the ideal antithrombotic strategy. At the same time to assess the patient’s basic clinical conditions and combined disease, the development of personalized treatment strategies.