北京时间2005年4月14日,2004/05赛季欧洲冠军联赛经过8场鏖战产生出了四强,意大利的 AC 米兰,荷兰的埃因霍温、英格兰的切尔西和利物浦成为了8强战的赢家。这四支队伍中,除了埃因霍温的影响力小一些外,其余三强不是百年豪门就是今朝新贵,他们三支球也被看作是本次冠军联赛中冠军的强有力争夺者。不过要想最终获得冠军奖杯,这三支球队都面临着不大不小的难题,如赛程问题,如伤病原因,可谓是家家有本难念的经,谁能够在今后的赛季征程中合理地解决好这些问题,那么谁就最有可能登上欧洲之巅。
Beijing April 14, 2005, 2004/05 season UEFA Champions League after eight games produced four semi-finals, Italy’s AC Milan, the Netherlands Eindhoven, England’s Chelsea and Liverpool became the top eight winners . These four teams, in addition to PSV smaller influence, the other three is not the giants of the century is now upstart, and their three balls are also seen as Champions League champions strong contender. However, in order to eventually win the trophy, all three teams are faced with modest problems, such as schedule problems, such as the causes of injuries, which can be described as having an uncomfortable experience in the family. Who can expedition in the coming season In a reasonable solution to these problems, then who is most likely to board the summit of Europe.