Electrochemically sensitive supra-crosslink and its corresponding hydrogel

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sam8899138
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In this work, through inclusion complexation between cyclodextrin (CD) host and ferrocene (Fc) guest, a monomer with double bond was incorporated to the surface of CdS quantum dot (QD). The obtained supra-structure could act as a supra-crosslink (Fc-SCL) in its copolymerizing with N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMA) leading to a hybrid supramolecular hydrogel (Fc-Gel). Fc-SCL inherited satisfactory electrochemical activity from Fc. When the weight percentage of Fc-SCL in Fc-Gel was increased, an apparent increase of elastic modulus (G ′) was observed. Furthermore, Fc-Gel also exhibited good fluorescent properties. It was also demonstrated that the inclusion complexation of CD and Fc played a crucial role in constructing the hydrogel; therefore, this Fc-Gel was an organic-inorganic hybrid hydrogel induced by supramolecular interaction. In this work, through inclusion complexation between cyclodextrin (CD) host and ferrocene (Fc) guest, monomer with double bond incorporated into the surface of CdS quantum dot (QD). The obtained supra-structure could act as a supra-crosslink Fc-SCL in its copolymerizing with N, N-dimethylacrylamide (DMA) leading to a hybrid supramolecular hydrogel (Fc-Gel) Gel was increased, an apparent increase of elastic modulus (G ’) was observed. It was also demonstrated that the inclusion complexation of CD and Fc played a crucial role in constructing the hydrogel; therefore , this Fc-Gel was an organic-inorganic hybrid hydrogel induced by supramolecular interaction.
用琼脂糖凝胶电泳法分析子宫肌瘤和卵巢肿瘤患者血液中乙二醛酶(GLO I)的表型分布,计算各自的基因频率。结果表明,在31例子宫肌瘤和36例卵巢肿瘤患者中,GLO I~1的基因频率分
在西藏诸多雪山圣湖景观中,巴松错如出名门,她高贵淑雅,仪态万方。其大美涵盖了湖泊之静谧,雪峰之奇伟,冰川之瑰丽,溪流之清新,森林之幽深,草场之绚烂,村落之独特,民俗之繁盛……凡此种种,几乎无所不包,她是广袤藏东南当之无愧的自然景观和人文景观的缩影,堪称一部大百科全书。  与之对应的,是其丰饶的宗教、民俗等人文生态。因湖而生的错高、扎拉等诸村庄充分体现了人与自然高度契合、天人合一的生态状况。这些村庄