生长在山沟沟里,平生喜爱树。仰望参天的大树,油然而生崇敬之情。每每站在大树下,那种感觉真好!是一种依偎,是一种寄托,是一种力量…… 今年8月,一个酷热的季节,在北戴河,我拜渴了当代中国著名诗人,文化、艺术界杰出领导人——臧克家、贺敬之、李瑛三位老人。望着他们质朴宽厚慈爱可亲的面容,听着他素朴平淡意蕴深沉的语言,感受他俊逸超拔灵动丰沛的神韵,我仿佛俯身在巍然兀立蓊郁峭拔的一棵棵大树下,受到一种博大的感染和浓荫绿意的笼罩。贺敬之历经时代的风雨,在诗坛上坚持不懈,不断创新,用生命为时代写真,为人民歌唱。在中国这样一个诗的国度,在万木葱茏中,蔚然深秀,翘立枝头。一篇篇超越时空的佳作,随着他走进暮年,已渐成绝响。
Growing in the ditch ditch, like tree life. Looking towering trees, but the admiration of love. It is a kind of nestling, a sustenance, a force ... August of this year, a hot season in Beidaihe, I worship thirsty contemporary Chinese famous poet, Culture, art outstanding leaders - Zang Kejia, He Jingzhi, Li Ying three elderly. Looking at their generous generous loving face, listening to his simple plain implied deep language, feeling super handsome and handsome abundance of charm, I seem to leaned over the towering Wu Wei majestic trees under a tree, by A broad infection and shady green enveloped. He Jingzhi after the storm of the times, perseverance in the poetry circles, constant innovation, with life as a photo of the times, singing for the people. In such a poetic country as China, among the lush greenery, there are magnificent and beautiful branches and branches. An article beyond the best of time and space, as he entered the twilight years, has become a victorious.