
来源 :中国急救医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uuuuurzm
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随着社会各项事业的发展,孕妇活动的增加,妊娠期意外创仿渐见增多。近年来,国外有报告其发生率为6~7%。国内也屡见报道。虽然孕妇严重创伤的治疗原则大多和非妊娠伤员相拟,但因同时涉及母体和胎儿的安危,故处理上仍有其特殊性,而且往往需要外科和产科等密切配合,才能作出正确的判断和处理。 With the development of various social undertakings, the increase of pregnant women’s activities and the increase of accidents in pregnancy gradually increase. In recent years, foreign countries have reported an incidence of 6 ~ 7%. China is also frequently reported. Although most of the treatment principles of severe trauma in pregnant women are similar to those of non-pregnant wounded, their handling still has its own particularities due to the safety of both maternal and fetus, and the close cooperation between surgery and obstetrics often requires proper judgment. deal with.