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人的眼睛可以看到1.6公里的远处。鹰的视力却超出人视力的八九倍。它的视力在高处飞时是远视眼,在低空飞时是近视眼。猫头鹰的眼睛比其它动物有众多特殊感光细胞——圆柱细胞,其夜间应视能力特别强。有趣的是,它的两只眼睛能轮流休息,真是名副其实的“睁一只眼,闭一只眼。”青蛙、海龟、四眼鱼、海豹和鳄鱼等动物的眼睛能水陆两用。 People's eyes can see 1.6 kilometers away. Hawk eyesight is more than eight times people's eyesight. It's vision when flying at high altitude is hyperopia, flying at low altitude is myopia. Owls eyes than other animals have a large number of special photoreceptor cells - cylindrical cells, which should be particularly strong at night. Interestingly, its two eyes can take turns to take turns, truly “open your eyes and close your eyes.” The eyes of frogs, sea turtles, four-eyed fish, seals and crocodiles can be amphibious.