一、试验目的木麻黄抗风力强,防风效果好,在滨海地区生长迅速。但多次连栽,往往表现出生长不良、抗病力差,而在木麻黄采伐迹地上种植的窿缘桉则生长尚好,但是树干弯曲,难以成材。在木麻黄采伐迹地上能否进行窿缘桉与木麻黄混交造林,以增强木麻黄的抗病和抗风能力,而又使桉树少受风害,改善木材品质,增加出材率,这是本试验的目的。二、试验地点湛江市郊区南三岛。林地为木麻黄采伐迹地。离海岸约400m。前作木麻黄有轻微青枯病。三、造林时间1981年6月。四、混交方式行间混交,比例为1∶1。株行距2×2 m。试验面积21亩。设纯桉林、纯木麻黄林作对照。
First, the purpose of the test Casuarina strong wind resistance, good windbreak, growing rapidly in the coastal areas. However, successive planting, often showing poor growth, poor resistance to disease, and cuttings in the cuttings of Casuarina cultivation margin of eucalyptus growth is still good, but the trunk bending, it is difficult to become useful. Whether the eucalyptus marginalis and casuarina can be mixed and reared on the cuttings of Casuarina equisetifolia to enhance the resistance and wind resistance of Casuarina equisetifolia, and to make the eucalyptus less susceptible to wind damage, to improve the quality of the wood and to increase the yield rate The purpose of this test. Second, the test site South Mishima suburb of Zhanjiang. Woodland for the logging of Casuarina. About 400m from the coast. Formerly casuarina has a slight bacterial wilt. Third, afforestation time in June 1981. Fourth, mixed way to mix between rows, the ratio of 1: 1. Plant spacing 2 × 2 m. Test area of 21 acres. Set pure eucalyptus forest, pure Casuarina as control.