为开发黄河三角洲地区日本对虾多茬人工育苗技术 ,滨州地区海水良种繁育试验场从南方采购日本对虾亲虾 ,以入海河道水进行日本对虾多茬育苗试验。 6批亲虾 1 1 2 5尾 ,共产卵 1 0 .5亿粒 ,孵化率达92 .4 %。其主要技术经验是 :1亲虾运抵后放入水温 2 0℃的培育池中暂养 2~ 3 d,然而采取镊烫法摘除单侧眼柄 ;2产卵、育苗用水于冬季一次性贮满 ,经过一、二级沉淀池沉淀 ,池内移植水草 ,起到沉淀、吸肥的作用 ,并保证水的盐度 ;3配组优质饵料。
In order to develop artificial breeding technology of multi-crop of Japanese shrimp in the Yellow River Delta, the shrimp of shrimp of Japanese shrimp was purchased from shrimp breeding in the southern part of Binzhou. 6 batches of broodstock 1 1 2 5 tail, a total of 105 million eggs, hatching rate of 92.4%. The main technical experience is: 1 arrived after the arrival of broodstock into the incubation temperature of 20 ℃ incubation 2 ~ 3 d, however, to take tweezers hot method to remove unilateral eyelid; 2 spawning, nursery water in winter one-time Storage, after one or two sedimentation tank precipitation, the pond transplanting aquatic plants, played the role of precipitation, absorption of fertilizer, and to ensure the salinity of water; 3 with high-quality diet.