
来源 :四川林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mswangnan098
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用BacillussubtiliPRS5拮抗细菌为主的微生态菌剂防治红梅果实黑星病Cladosporiumcarpophilum和枝干膏药病Septobasidiumsp .,防效分别为 70 %以上和 10 0 %。试验显示 ,PRS5微生态菌剂可望成为多种果树病害无公害防治的理想产品 BacillussubtiliPRS5 antagonism of bacteria-based microbe-based fungi control Hongmei fruit scab celadon Cladosporiumcarpophilum and stick dryness of the disease Septobasidiumsp., Control effects were 70% and 100%. Experiments show that, PRS5 microbial ecological agents are expected to become a variety of fruit tree disease-free pollution prevention and control of the ideal product
目的了解北京市锰及其无机化合物作业人员的职业卫生状况,为下一步制定防治政策和措施提供依据。方法对58家用人单位的1 538名锰及其无机化合物作业人员进行职业健康检查,并