Jincheng (1878-1926), formerly known as the city of Shaoxing, the word Gongbei, word Gongbei, North Building, also lotus root lake, lotus root, Zhejiang Wu Xing Nanxun people. For the modern well-known art educator, painting and calligraphy and seal cutting home, poet, on the creation of our painting, protection, research and personnel training in all aspects of a lot of achievements. Father name 焘, Zhongkushu Zhongshu, in view of the world change, seven children and five women to learn to travel Europe and the United States. Jincheng childhood Qi Hui, love painting, part-time calligraphy, seal cutting and ancient words. When he was young, he did not study painting exclusively. He was a law student and studied at the University of Jones, England, where he received his Ph.D. in law. On the occasion of returning to China, he traveled all over Europe and the United States and was deeply attracted by European and American works of art. He had a keen interest in painting. After returning home, he served as director of the Dili Institute, edited