卫生部司 (局 )文件卫法监食发 [2 0 0 0 ]第 2号浙江省卫生厅 :你省绍兴市卫生局绍市卫发 (1999)第 311号“关于个私企业免费为职工 (雇员 )制作供应饭菜的行为是否属于食品生产经营行为的紧急请示”收悉。经研究 ,答复如下 :根据《食品卫生法》第五十四条对食品生产经营和食?
Department of Health (Division) Documents Guardian Food Surveillance Food [2000] No. 2 Zhejiang Provincial Department of Health: Shaoxing Municipal Health Bureau in your province Shaoxing Weifa (1999) No. 311 “On Private Enterprises as Free Workers (Employer) Whether or not the act of providing food is an emergency request for food production and operation is received. After research, the reply is as follows: According to the “Food Hygiene Law” Article 54 of the food production and operation and food?