Male, 64 years old. Repeated fever for 5 years, ankle swelling and pain, subcutaneous nodules 2 years admitted. Edge patients since 1986, repeated high fever chills, natural cooling after 3 to 4 hours, every 2 to 7 days attack. In the past two years when the limbs appear red nodules, accompanied by two ankle joint swelling and pain. Here, due to “intrahepatic cholangitis”, “cholecystitis”, gallbladder removal surgery. Physical examination: body temperature 38.2 ℃. Pulse rate of 96 beats / min. Heart and lung is no different, liver and spleen only accessible. Two ankle joints red, swollen, tenderness, right forearm and left thigh scattered red nodules, soy size, tenderness. Laboratory tests: white blood cells 14.4 × 10_9 / L, classification of the left shift. ESR 57mm / h, anti “0” and rheumatoid factor-negative, γ-globulin 48.1%. Skin nodules biopsy, microscopic examination of dermal blood vessels and sweat glands around a large number of neutrophil-based cell infiltration, white blood cells