应用主成分分析技术,并结合小兴安岭南坡原始林中植物种的生态特性,对该区的植物生态种组进行划分。乔木树种分成6个生态种组,即椴树生态种组;枫桦生态种组;柞树生态种组;落叶松云冷杉生态种组;水曲柳生态种组和毛赤杨生态种组。灌木分成3个生态种组,即榛子生态种组;胡枝子生态种组和柳叶绣线菊生态种组。草本植物被划分成6个生态种组,即酢酱草生态种组;毛缘苔草生态种组;单花鸢尾生态种组;羊胡子苔草生态种组;猴腿蹄盖蕨生态种组和小叶樟生态种组。 这些生态种组之间的关系十分密切。乔木树种的生态种组,灌木生态种组以及草木植物生态种组之间是相互作用和相互依赖的。植物生态种组分类研究,是森林群落分类和森林立地分类的基础。
Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to analyze the ecological characteristics of plant species in the native forest on the southern slope of Xiaoxing’an Mountain. Tree species were divided into six ecological species groups, namely Linden ecological species group; Feng Hua ecological species group; oak tree ecological species group; Larix gmelinii ecological species group; Shrubs are divided into three ecological species groups, namely hazelnut ecological species group; Lespedeza ecological species group and the species of spiraea. Herbaceous plants are divided into six ecotypes, namely, the species of Aglateria ecotypes, the ecotypes of Carex lasiocarpa, the ecotypes of Iris monoculture, the ecotypes of Carex lanceolata, And Xiao Zhang Zhang ecological group. The relationship between these ecotypes is very close. Tree species of ecological species, shrubs and ecological species of flora and herbivorous species of ecological communities are interdependent and interdependent. The study of plant ecotypes is the basis of forest community classification and forest stand classification.