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陈恩深教授是著名漆器艺术家沈福文先生的弟子,既具有深厚的传统意识,又富有强烈的现代观念,是承上启下的一代艺术家。经过多年的艺术历练与磨练积淀,陈先生形成了时艺术创作的凝练思想,主要体现为四个方面:一、顺遂与自由,艺术创作的精神性追求;二、绘画性即生命性,艺术表现的至高境界;三、抽象与形上,绘画内在形式的活力体现;四、“乱画”训练,破除习惯思维,建立自在思维。 Professor Chen En-Shen is a disciple of Mr. Shen Fu-wen, a famous lacquer artist. He not only has profound traditional consciousness but also has strong modern conceptions. He is an accomplished generation of artists. After many years of artistic experience and honed accumulation, Mr. Chen formed a concise and profound thought of artistic creation, which is mainly embodied in four aspects: First, smooth pursuit and spiritual pursuit of artistic creation; second, painting is life and art Performance of the highest state; Third, the abstract and metaphysical, the inner form of painting vitality; Fourth, “Doodles ” training, get rid of habitual thinking, to establish a relaxed mind.