Anisotropy of Superplasticity in Hot-rolled Sheet of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolaoshi
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Superplastic tension test was carried out in order to examine anisotropy of superplasticity in hot- rolled sheet ofTi-10V-2Fe-3Al. The experiments show that flow stress in longitudinai(L) direction is higher than that in transveral(T) directionof the sheet. The peak value of elongation in L direction specimen is also higher than that of transversal one within strain raterange of 0.0005~0.0083 / s. Based on some experiments results such as the microstructure change of specimen before and aftersuperplastic deformation, analysis is made for the phenomenon of multi-necking on the T specimen after tension. The flowlines insuperplastically deformed specimen are first observed and described. Preliminary explanation is made on these flowlines. Superplastic tension test was carried out in order to examine anisotropy of superplasticity in hot-rolled sheet of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al. The experiments show that flow stress in longitudinai (L) direction is higher than that in transveral (T) directionof the sheet The peak value of elongation in L direction specimen is also higher than that of transversal one within strain rate range 0.0005 ~ 0.0083 / s. Based on some experiments results such as the microstructure change of specimen before and aftersuperplastic deformation, analysis is made for the phenomenon of multi-necking on the T specimen after tension. The flowlines insuperplastically deformed specimen are first observed and described.
中国传统技击术有“五要说”,即眼尖、手快、胆稳、步坚、力实。 眼尖:“眼为先锋,心为主帅。”在技击中一定要有尖锐的目光注敌意向,要手到、足到、眼到,目光锐似鹰。如若不然,自
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摘 要:【文选】《文选》是我国现存最早的诗文总集,收录作者上起先秦,下至梁初,所收录作品以“事出于沉思,义归乎翰藻”为原则。历代人们对《文选》的研究连绵不绝,文章是对几篇重要的《文选》研究论文作的读书笔记,希望对今后的《文选》研究能够起到指导作用。  关键词:文选;论文;读书笔记  一、《论〈文选〉之纂集》  出自《文选李注义疏》卷一,1928年,高步瀛撰。步瀛字阆仙,河北霸县人。清光绪二十年(1
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