In recent years, due to the increased use of steroid formulations, induced greater incidence of corneal herpes or corneal fungi. However, the simultaneous development of corneal herpes and corneal fungi are rare. This article reports 2 cases of corneal herpes combined corneal fungal disease, the initial diagnosis of bacterial culture, fungal culture and anti-herpes simplex virus fluorescent antibody examination. In addition to bacterial culture negative, the remaining two tests were positive, and thus diagnosed as corneal herpes combined corneal fungal disease. Clinical manifestations: (1) map-like ulcers, (2) ulceration in the central opaque area of the ulcer, and (3) an obvious infiltration of the linear outline of the ulcer. Corneal ulcers with the above characteristics, to be considered for herpes simplex virus and mixed fungal infection may require further examination, at the same time