他谦和、含蓄,貌不出众,语不惊人。在宽敞的宾馆大厅里,他对我们恳挚地说:“做为云南省农垦系统唯一的人大代表,我是头一次参加这样的盛会。人民赋予我信任,可我感到自己做得太少……”他就是第七届全国人大代表,云南农垦总局设计院调查队主任工程师曾延庆。 1953年,新兴的农垦事业与年轻的共和国一样一穷二白。那时,25岁的曾延庆从西南农学院园艺系毕业,来到云南省屏边县。“几十年过去了”,他深情地回忆着,“那些年里,为了国营农场建场选点和进行橡胶宜
His modest, subtle, looks outstanding, language is not alarming. In the spacious hotel lobby, he said earnestly to us: “As the only representative of Yunnan Provincial Land Reclamation System, I was the first time to participate in such a grand event. The people gave me confidence, but I feel myself doing too little ...... He is the seventh National People’s Congress, Yunnan Land Reclamation Bureau Design Institute investigation team chief engineer Zeng Yanqing. In 1953, the emerging land reclamation project was as poor as the young republic. At that time, Zeng Yanqing, 25, graduated from the Horticulture Department of Southwest Agricultural College and came to Pingbian County, Yunnan Province. ”Decades have passed,“ he recalls affectionately. ”In those years, for the sake of setting up a state-run farm and selecting rubber,