灾区防疫征尘未消 奥运安保再披战袍——沈阳军区“三防”医学救援队奥运安保训练剪影

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刚刚从四川抗震救灾一线载誉归来的沈阳军区疾病预防控制中心野战防疫队全体队员顾不上休息,立即转换战场,全员全装机动到某防化团驻地,迅即投入到奥运安保训练之中。他们从难、从严、从实战标准出发,针对奥运场馆、运动员住宿地以及沈阳市区可能遭受的核、化、生恐怖袭击后的现场采样、分类、侦检、洗消及伤员救治等情况处置展开训练科目。 All members of the field defense and disease prevention team of the Shenyang Military Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, who had just returned from Sichuan’s earthquake relief efforts, took a rest and immediately switched to the battlefield. All the crews moved to the site of a certain anti-chemical warfare team and immediately entered the Olympic security training. . They proceeded from difficult, strict and practical standards, and focused on sampling, classification, detection, decontamination, and wounded treatment of Olympic stadiums, athletes’ lodging places, and the possible terrorist, nuclear, and terrorist attacks in downtown Shenyang. Disposal Expand training subjects.