Percutaneous radiofrequency trigeminal trigeminal ganglion to treat complications associated with trigeminal neuralgia include: diplopia, sensation Chi Yan, numbness pain, chewing muscle paralysis, paralytic keratitis and herpetic dermatitis, and even have Stab carotid artery coverage. This article reports a case of complications of arterial injury in radiofrequency thermocoagulation. The patient, 54 years old, had a second trigeminal pain in the right trigeminal nerve that was ineffective with Tegretal and was followed by percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation. When the puncture needle to the foramen ovale, into the crack hole, arterial bleeding occurred. Exit the needle slightly to the outside after the puncture that is smooth into the foramen ovale, after several adjustments to give stimulation to confirm that the thorns have been satisfactorily