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江西靖安东周墓葬被国家文物局列为2007年重点考古项目。这座埋葬了47具棺木的大墓位于靖安县水口乡水口村李家自然村,是我国迄今发现的时代最早、墓葬棺木最多、结构最为奇特的一坑多棺墓葬。墓葬中发掘清理出丝织品、漆器、竹木器、玉石器、瓷器、金器等珍贵文物六百五十多件。47具木棺中28具保存较好, Jiangxi Jing An Eastern Zhou Tombs by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as a key archaeological project in 2007. This buried 47 coffin’s tomb is located in Lijia Natural Village, Shuikou Village, Shukou Township, Jing’an County. It is the oldest coffin found in our country so far, with the most coffin tombs and the most unusual structure. Excavations in the tombs cleared more than 650 pieces of precious relics such as silk, lacquer, bamboo and wood, jade, porcelain and gold artifacts. 47 wood coffin 28 with better preservation,