现报告2例小儿脑肿瘤卒中的临床病理资料。 例1 男,7岁。于进餐时突然右侧肢体无力,不能持物和行走2夭,无发热、头痛、呕吐,于1980年5月19日入院。检查:意识清,右中枢性面、舌瘫,右上下肢肌力Ⅲ级,右Babinski’s征(+),深浅感觉存在,无脑膜刺激征。血白细胞及脑脊液压力常规和生化检查均正常。经激素等治疗后可行走,拟诊“脑动脉炎”,于24日出院。6月3日晚看电影时有恐惧感,当夜2时许小便时突觉头痛,右侧肢体麻木,旋即间歇性抽搐数次,神志不清,于翌晨入院。既往几年来有时头痛,余无特殊。检查:意识混浊、烦躁不安。血压100/70,脉搏132次/分,呼吸28次/
Now report two cases of pediatric brain tumor clinicopathological data. Example 1 male, 7 years old. Suddenly on the right meal when the limb weakness, can not hold and walk 2 yao, no fever, headache, vomiting, in May 19, 1980 admitted. Check: Consciousness, right central face, tongue paralysis, right upper extremity muscle strength grade III, right Babinski’s sign (+), the presence of deep sensation, no meningeal irritation. Blood leukocytes and cerebrospinal fluid pressure and biochemical tests were normal. After treatment with hormones and other walkable, diagnosed “cerebral arteritis,” was discharged on the 24th. There was a sense of fear when watching a movie on the night of June 3, and when I was urinating on the night, I suddenly had a headache and numbness on the right side. I swallowed intermittently several times and became unconscious and was hospitalized the next morning. In the past few years sometimes headache, I no special. Check: Consciousness, irritability. Blood pressure 100/70, pulse 132 beats / min, breathing 28 times /