纽约市场唱主角从2005年到2006年初欧美艺术市场观察来看,雕塑无疑是其中最活跃的分子。 2005年度美术品拍卖排位第二的是康斯坦丁·布郎库希(1876 -1957,罗马尼亚著名现代雕塑家)的L’olseau dans I’espac,5月 4日在纽约佳士得拍卖会上以2450万美元成交,这是单件雕塑作品的最高纪录。另一件雕塑排第三位,是大卫·史密斯1965年创作的高度为2.8米的纪念性雕塑,苏富比对它的估价为800-1200万美元,结果却以2125万美元成交,这也是迄今为止价格最高的当代艺术品。2005年的成交最高价包括亨利·托罗斯2000万美元的《烫衣工人》。这些令人难以置信的结果,几乎都超出其估价的两倍,反映了美国收藏家对战后艺术特别是雕塑的极大热情。
New York market to play a leading role From 2005 to early 2006 the European and American art market observation point of view, sculpture is undoubtedly one of the most active elements. The second best seller of fine art in 2005 was L’olseau dans I’espac of Constantine Blanchard (1876-1957, famous romanian contemporary sculptor), at the auction of Christie’s New York on May 4 24.5 million US dollars deal, this is the highest single sculpture works record. The third sculpture, ranked third by David Smith, was a memorial sculpture of a height of 2.8 meters created in 1965. Sotheby’s valued it at $ 8-12 million and the result was $ 21.25 million , Which is by far the highest price contemporary art. The highest 2005 deals included Henry Tolos’ $ 20 million “ironing man.” These incredible results have almost doubled their estimates, reflecting the tremendous enthusiasm of American collectors over post-war art, especially sculpture.