刿蚓刚鞫艇熏东方紫陈云岗艺术简历 1956年生于西安,祖籍江苏徐州,自幼长于天津。1978年入西安美院雕塑系,毕业后留校任教至今。现任西安美院学报《西北美术》常务副主编.除创作雕塑作品外还有理论研究文章发表于《美术》等报刊,并著有《中国古典雕刻之文化方位》。玻璃钢一∞0
刿 earthworm just 鞫 boat smoked Oriental purple Chen Yungang art resume was born in Xi’an in 1956, his ancestral home Xuzhou, Jiangsu, grew up in Tianjin since. In 1978 into the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts sculpture department, after leaving school to teach so far. He is currently the executive editor of “Northwestern Art” of the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, and his theoretical research articles have been published in “Fine Arts” and other publications in addition to his creative works of sculpture. He is also known as “Cultural Orientation of Chinese Classical Carvings.” FRP a ∞ 0