1863年Eckhardt首先在动物模型应用电刺激骶神经分支产生阴茎勃起。1936年Gunn首先在动物用电刺激产生射精。 1931年Learmanth开始研究人的电射精,刺激男性骶前神经同时置膀胱镜入尿道,电刺激下可见排精。1948年Horne等报告C_5脊髓损伤及马尾病变病人,除3例手淫取精外,其余均经电刺激收集到精液。
In 1863, Eckhardt first developed penile erection by electrical stimulation of sacral nerve branches in animal models. In 1936, Gunn first ejaculated animals by electrical stimulation. 1931 Learmanth began to study the person’s electro-ejaculation, to stimulate the male presacral nerve at the same time set the cyst into the urethra, electrical stimulation can be seen in the ejaculation. In 1948 Horne and other reports of C_5 spinal cord injury and cauda equina patients, except 3 cases of masturbation fine, the rest were collected by electrical stimulation of semen.