如果说奥运会是一个盛大的 PARTY,那么开幕式一向是这个 PARTY 的重头戏。开幕式的前一天,天下掉下来的一个大馅饼砸到我脑袋上了——国际乒联送给我北京奥运会的开、闭幕式门票各一张,座位就在奥林.匹克大家庭区域。在这个区域的门票上,没有排号和座位号,可以根据先来后到、个人喜好选择座位。所以,2008年8月8日晚,我坐在了“鸟巢”M 区的第一层第一排,在这个位置上拍摄运动员入场的照片,比专门的摄影记者席的角度还要好。因此,我捕捉到了一些大家熟悉的面孔和跟赛场上完全不同的笑脸。
If the Olympic Games is a grand PARTY, then the opening ceremony has always been the highlight of this PARTY. The day before the opening ceremony, the world fell down a big pie hit me on the head - the ITTF gave me the Beijing Olympic Games opening and closing ceremonies each one tickets, seats in the Olympian Peak family area . Tickets in this area, there is no row number and seat number, according to first come and go, personal preferences to choose a seat. So, on the night of August 8, 2008, I was sitting in the first row of the “Bird’s Nest” M zone on the first row. It was better to photograph the athletes in this position than the photo shooter’s point of view . So I caught some familiar faces and completely different smileys from the track.