1 病例报告患儿,男,2岁。1988—02—27穿开裆裤在室外玩耍,当时室外温度零下25℃,风力4级,天空中飘小雪。30min后,将患儿抱回室内时,发现阴茎发白、僵硬,无疼痛感觉。家长立即用湿热毛巾予以外敷阴茎,数分钟后阴茎颜色内苍白转为紫红色,疼痛剧烈。经消炎治疗无效,渐感排尿困难,患儿哭闹不止。冻伤后4天转入我院治疗。入院查体:体温38.1℃。阴茎高度肿胀,尤以系带侧明显,呈紫红色,泡皮破溃,创基紫红色,触痛(+),微湿。诊断:阴茎Ⅲ度冻伤。入院后即行消炎,外敷851冻伤膏(沈阳军区联勤部军事医学研究所研制,主要成份为硫酸新霉素,霜基质),加强会阴部护理。治疗中阴茎创面逐渐结黑痂,尤其是包皮外口处,排尿更加困难,排尿时包皮鼓包,尿流
1 case report children, male, 2 years old. 1988-02-27 wearing open crotch pants to play outdoors, when the outdoor temperature minus 25 ℃, the wind 4, the sky floating in the snow. After 30min, the child hugged back to the room, found penis white, stiff, no pain feeling. Parents immediately with hot and humid towels to the external penis, a few minutes after the color of the penis pale into purple, severe pain. After anti-inflammatory treatment is invalid, gradually dysuria, children cry more than. 4 days after frostbite into our hospital for treatment. Admission examination: body temperature 38.1 ℃. Penis height swelling, especially in the lace side of the obvious, was purple, peel rupture, creating base purple, tenderness (+), slightly wet. Diagnosis: Ⅲ degree frostbite penis. After admission, anti-inflammatory, topical 851 frostbite cream (Shenyang Military Region Joint Department of Military Medical Research Institute, the main component of neomycin sulfate, cream matrix), to strengthen perineal care. The treatment of penile wounds gradually knot black scab, especially the outer mouth of the foreskin, urination more difficult, micturition foreskin when urinating, urinary flow