上一次我去福州是在1985年11月,参加福建中华职业大学的建校典礼,1990年我又去参加该校五周年纪念。前次我曾经趁便去闽江口的长乐转了一圈,还写了几篇小记,在当地报纸上发表。这次我又到沿海的泉州和福清一带作了短促的考察。时隔5年,变化之大令人不能不刮目相视了。从念“山海经”到大打“侨牌” 5年前我在福建听到流行的话头是“大念山海经”,因而怎样开发山和海也成了我那几篇小记的主题。这次听到的却是“大打侨牌”,侨胞在经济发展中的作用被提到了突出地位。打“侨”牌与念“山海经”是
The last time I went to Fuzhou was in November 1985 to attend the founding ceremony of Fujian Zhonghua Vocational College. In 1990, I went to attend the fifth anniversary of the school again. Last time I went to Changjiang in the Minjiang River port for a while and wrote a few small notes on the local newspaper. This time I went to the coastal area of Quanzhou and Fuqing for a brief inspection. After a lapse of 5 years, great changes can not but take a breathtaking phase. From the reading “Shan Hai Jing” to the fight “overseas Chinese card” 5 years ago I heard the popular headwords in Fujian is “Sutra Shan Hai Jing”, so how to develop the mountains and the sea has also become the theme of my few small notes. What we heard this time was the “grand opening of the overseas Chinese card.” The role of overseas Chinese in economic development has been highlighted. Playing “overseas Chinese” card and read “Shan Hai Jing” is